ALMEIDA & MELLO DE ALMEIDA ASSOCIATED LAWYERS is a Law firm that values the reliability in the treatment solutions adequate to the issues of clients in several areas of law. Aware to the growing advocacy expertise, it has promoted the upgrade of its professionals according to their working area, and the necessity of its clients, as corporate sector in its various activities, searching seriously and with effort the effective results to its delegated tasks. The reaffirmation of these principles has guaranteed a solid partnership between the firm and its clients.

Development and Work Strategy

The firm has upgraded technology available for the Law service, whose stools become possible to receive and supply information, real-time processing through internet, and online communication channel between the office and the client.

The greatest difference of this work is the combination of technology with the interpersonal relationship valorization searching for a greater engagement between the clients’ necessities and an effective personalized service, what is consequently, the satisfaction guarantee.


There are companies and organizations from several areas in its portfolio, for this reason, the firm purposes is the attendance and personalized consulting from a high quality, including follow up, and defense of its clients in the administrative, and judicial spheres.

ALMEIDA & LAWYERS has a concerned administrative law area; it represents the clients in bids, in the obtaining of concessions and authorizations, and issues involving the celebration and execution of administrative contracts.

The offered assistance ranges from the editorial analyses and drafts of contracts, until societal structures planning or efficient tax, constitution of companies, vehicles for the participation in bids, authorization to receive in bankruptcy procedure, elaboration and proposal presentations, competitors documents examination, impugnation of defective documents, lodging appeal, and other administrative measures.

Civil and Commercial Law

In the civil and commercial area, we develop studies and the elaboration of legal opinions involving obligations in civil and commercial matters, acquisitions and loss of possession from ownership rights, in buying and selling contracts of movable or immovable assets, leasing, barter, mutual agreement, deposit, lending contract, real state incorporation, civil construction, venture and work force, provision of services in general, commercial representation, transport, brokerage, franchising, credit cards, insurance and similar instruments, typical from the civil and commercial transactions.

In the commercial area specifically, we act in contractual disputes, proof of claims in bankruptcy, judicial reorganization, business negotiations, debt conversation, investments, loans and financing, estate transactions, setting up of join enterprises, buying and selling of equity holdings, assets and commercial and industrial establishments.

Tax Law

Litigation, administrative and tax Law, consulting and planning, legal actions in the federal, state and municipal levels, taxes and fees, contributions, ­­­­recovery of undue, security mandate and others.
Setting up of join enterprises aiming tax savings, fiscal consulting in the acquisitions, incorporations, demergers, liquidation of companies, as well as investments.

Consulting to individual persons and legal persons, interpretation and application of federal, state and municipal tax rules, embracing the strategic analysis with eventual preparation and conducting of judicial actions from the tax nature and welfare system. We perform judicial and administrative work in several courts of the country, and also higher courts.

Advising in financial and capital market operations, planning and tax divestiture structure, acquisitions, demergers, incorporations, mergers, and similar corporate transactions with evaluation of tax contingencies involved in such operations, especially in the purchase and sale of companies, Initial Public Offerings, and issuance of debentures.

Complete assistance in the implementation and new ventures such industries and projects of infrastructure in the electric energy sector, transport, telecommunication, sanitation, gas and oil, tourism and others.

Elaboration and technical inquiries presentation related to the interpretation of tax rules applications and tax classification, and also preparation of the requests for granting from the special tax regimes to the Revenue Offices.

Corporate Law

Constitution of companies and partnership in general, providing adequate elaboration according to the societal type and the partners objectives, litigation performance on behalf of the partnership, amendments, and adaptations to the legal requirements, viability studies elaboration on acquisitions, incorporations, demerger, liquidation of companies and investments.

Contracts elaboration and bylaws, shareholders and quota holders´ agreements, minutes and further societal documents. Consulting assistance regarding to societal interests from publicly-held and privately-held companies.

Business structuring and corporate activities. Business constitution, joint ventures, consortiums, foundations and further kinds of association and partnership.

Assistance for buying and selling companies, equity holdings, assets, and financial acquisitions.
Legal auditing and consulting to corporate restructuring including merger and demerger, incorporations and liquidation of companies.

Process of opening and closing capital and public offers for acquisitions in general, including public offers by control divestiture. Registers, representations and defense in estate bodies, administrative processes and consulting before The Securities Commission of Brazil.

Corporate Criminal Law

Legal advice to directors concerning to the crimes against the economical and tax system, consumer relations, public health, and tax evasion.

Advising to prevent the corruption on businesses, working as defenders of companies and its representatives, including corporate frauds. Elaboration of corruption prevention programmers and due diligence process under the international anticorruption rules.

Instruction and defense of clients on police investigations and/ or criminal processes originating from tax evasion accusations, working accidents, environmental crime, economic crime, crime against the consumer relations, and crime of unfair competition.

Instructions and defense of the clients interests who are victims of corporate frauds perpetrated by the third parties or employees with the adoption of applicable legal measures in the police and/ or judicial sphere, in order to punish the responsible ones.

Labour Law

Advising and labour litigation: legislation consulting and daily working relations in the companies, occupational exam and collective and individual working contract elaboration.

General or restricted labour auditing, judicial process defense from labour complaints in proposed actions by employees or trade unions.

Consulting to top executive employees in contracts elaboration, provision of rights and advantage, and special cases exams.

Preventive legal consultancy to human resources departments, covering the elaboration and working contracts analysis, including the hiring foreigners.

Assistance to verify benefit plans, profit-sharing plans or results, stock option plans, voluntary resignation plans, and variable compensation plan in general and also consulting related to the resignation processes.

Environment Risks Prevention Programs analysis (Portuguese abbreviation PPRA) and Medical Control Programmers and Occupational Health (Portuguese abbreviation PCMSO), specifically concerning to its adjustment face to the current legislation (Regulatory Standards, Portuguese abbreviation NRs).

Consulting to individual persons and legal persons in administrative and judicial processes related to the adoption of welfare system and labour standards. Partnership representation and union entities in collective bargains and negotiation of collective employment contracts.

Studies and legal advice about labour rights and welfare system, including private pension plan. Consulting and conduction of outsourcing processes.

Covering the litigation area, the firm professional represents and also defends companies in all courts of justice in the national territory, presenting legal defenses, and remedies, applicable procedural incidents, and negotiations of friendly agreement.

Consumer Relations

Responsible for the product: preventive action in the conflicts between suppliers and consumers of products and services.

Elaboration and commercial contract review, financiers, insurance, guarantee documents, technical assistance and advertising texts, aiming its adequation according to the Consumer Defense Code.

Collective Labour Conventions between the suppliers associations and consumers. Judicial performance in individual and collective actions.

Performing of preventive work inside the companies in order to eliminates lawsuits risks. Elaboration of answers to the consumer defense organizations, aiming to prevent or minimize the consumers’ complaints effects.

Instructions for specific issues before the consumer protection bodies, and follow up of administrative and judicial processes that involve complaints and consumers indemnification requests.
Instruction to companies to improve the relationship with the consumers including call center assistance operation, data organization and information use.

Dispute settlement through the legal proceeding in sectoral chambers and arbitration and mediation with lawyers or arbitrators, in Brazil and abroad.

Expertise: Legal Auditing

Development of legal auditing to companies in the acquisition, or divestiture of other companies, partnership, assets, or commercial establishment.

Presentation of the companies’ legal status or audited establishments, fully assessed. Societal documents examination, occupational documents, and others, besides real state documents and existing contracts.

Surveying and analysis of tax matters, administrative and judicial proceedings, foreign capital record, if there is one, trademarks and patents, and other links and properties.